Kids balance bike is a safe and durable training bicycle without pedals chain or training wheels.
Banwood balance bike sale.
Balance bikes are the ideal first bicycle and the best way for children to make a speedy transition to a pedal bicycle bypassing training wheels.
Banwood bikes was created by founders juan manuel torralvo castro and frida jonsby after realizing that they both had a keen interest in bike safety and creating something unique.
The saddles and grips of these kids bikes are cut from high end faux.
A great way to let small ones join you on the ride to the park.
The frames are steel and the handlebars aluminium.
Introduce your little one to cycling as it naturally supports their development by promoting mobility and steering of a pedal bike.
Shop by wheel size such as 12 16 14.
Banwood balance bikes kids bikes first bike balance bike toddler.
Kids balance bike sport no pedal child training bicycle w adjustable seat black.
Balance kid s push bike.
And your mini me cyclist will be the coolest kid on the block with.
These balance bikes with pedals are inspired by vintage bicycles for adults and influenced by scandinavian design the banwood classic features a lightweight alloy frame in pink finish.
With juan s background in manufacturing and frida s eye for design banwood bikes was born.
Find the perfect deal for balance bikes with free shipping for many items at ebay.
Balance bike with pedals first pedal bike kids first bike your mini me cyclist is in for a wheelie good time with the banwood classic.
Our balance bikes for toddlers are made using sturdy and durable high quality materials.